"Training is for cats and dogs. People learn."
- Dick Dusseldorp
© Copyright 2025 NEXCELLENCE bkk Ltd. All rights reserved. Registered with the Department of Business Development, Thailand. Registration No. 0105566228541
When you engage with a classic business consultant, you get support for the duration of the engagement and a prescription for what you need to change at the end. When you engage with NEXCELLENCE, we make sure you and your team develop the right skills to tackle your current challenges and the right knowledge acquisition skill to address future challenges long after we work with you. We make sure we transmit our know-how and our passion for strategy planning and execution and for continuous improvement, so you remain empowered long after we part. At NEXCELLENCE we view capability development not as a set of theory classes, but as a natural extension to our consultancies in strategic planning and operational optimization. At NEXCELLENCE we are ready to adapt the requisite learning courses given the needs of your team to better manage strategy or operational excellence and related areas such as risk management, business analytics, and Lean / Six Sigma methods. Capability Development at NEXCELLENCE can take the form of either classrooms complete with manuals and guide to further learning resources, or coaching / mentoring beyond the classroom either for a predefined time span or on continuous basis, depending on your needs. Scroll down for example courses on offer, contact us for knowledge you can grow with or head over to NEXCELLENCE Online for on-demand courses.
Our Capability Development Philosophy and Method
At NEXCELLENCE we believe that the capability of the motivated individual is the fundament of success. In the words of Edinburgh University professor of economics John Kay, “Success depends on the flair, skills and initiative of people who cannot be effectively supervised.” We design courses aimed at knowledge transfer of pertinent concepts, methods, and tools, all while we subscribe to the contention of famed engineer Dick Dusseldorf, that “training is for cats and dogs. People learn.” Therefore, we aim to inspire our class attendees through examples and engaging hands-on exercises to develop into self-motivated appliers as well as lifelong knowledge acquirers, so the intent of learning can materialize for the organization on ongoing basis long after our class is delivered. We make extra effort to understand our course attendees before we start the class, adapt content and pace to secure all attendees are up to speed and can demonstrate understanding and application, and evaluate learning at the conclusion of the course.
We seek client feedback on the proposed outline
We offer to walk the client though the entire course content
We survey course participants to understand current knowledge & expectations
We use the feedback to adjust the course content to better meet the needs of the client and the current level of the participants
We carefully select examples and exercises to secure optimal learning
We conduct the class and seek feedback by the end of Day 1
We adjust and adapt on the fly based on any “discoveries” uncovered in previous stages
We request participants to identify & apply in-class for there real-world issues
We run a knowledge assessment survey at the end of the course
We run a feedback survey on general learning aspects in class and on future needs
We transparently share the results with the client and advise of future steps
We offer class participants open Q&A (via e-mail / WhatsApp chat) for two months after class, at no extra cost
We offer class participants up to two hours per week over up to 2 months (free of charge)to consult on real-world application
Capability Development Select Courses
The following are select courses and course outlines developed and perfected by NEXCELLENCE, focusing on operational optimization and quantitative methods with special attention to the healthcare sector, as well as statistical analysis for six sigma process improvement applications using SigmaXL®. For more about these courses or to enquire on courses covering other topics, contact us for knowledge you can grow with.
Workshop: Decision-Making in Healthcare - Sample Content
Course: Statistics with SigmaXL® - Outline & Sample Content
Course: Lean/Six Sigma - Outline
Course: Lean/Six Sigma - Sample Content